The Magic

Trenton Caine performs for both children and adults, and he has three main routines that will be tailored to your event:

Strolling Magic

This is the most intimate of shows, suitable for dinner parties and events where there’s no stage, as the magician will be walking around and performing table-side magic with smaller props; sleight of hand, cards and coins, for the ability to wow the guests up close and personal.

Parlour Show

For slightly bigger stages, the Parlour Show is the next step up. Suitable to perform in a living room or at a smaller venue, the Parlour Show isn’t quite as close-up as the Strolling Magic, but instead uses bigger props to entertain the audience, think “pulling the rabbit out of a hat – magic”.

Stage Show

The Stage Show is the show for venues where the audience might be too far away to see playing cards and the like, so bigger props will be used. Think “sawing the assistant in two – magic”, suitable for bigger events with a larger audience.

*For bookings, please use the contact form on this website, and outline the size and needs for your event so that the Magician can get back to you with a detailed quote. 


For those who are interested in learning the art of Magic, Trenton Caine has previously tutored students who later successfully auditioned and became members of the Academy of Magical Arts. Please use the contact form to inquire about classes.